Saturday, January 24, 2009

This weekend.

Well, yesterday (Friday) I was determined, as you know, and I finished school by about 3 or 4 o'clock. I'm very glad I finished it that early because I've had a TON of schoolwork to do this week. Like, probably 12 or more hours worth. The curriculum we use is divided into units, and there's a test and review for each one. I had the review this week and that was about 35 history questions.
Anyway, after school, my grandma came and picked up Adam and I, and we went to KFC for some awesomely tasty chicken and biscuits. Then we went down the road to a concert. It was made up of just 2 guys, one old guy on the piano and a younger guy on the violin/fiddle (at one point someone asked if he liked playing fiddle style or violin better and he said he tried to make it both). They called themselves Pianafiddle. What they did was almost entirely improv. It was amazing. A lot of times they'd start out with like Beethoven or Bach, and then the violin/fiddle guy, who could never help getting in the groove, would suddenly turn it into some kind of wierd bluegrass fiddle tune. But anyway, the whole thing was very good. Check out their website. After all that, we went back to my grandma's and watched a couple movies. Number 1: Hancock. I wouldn't reccomend it. Number 2: Wanted. STAY AWAY FROM IT. It was such a waste of time. The whole point of it is to use all those awesome commercials they made for it a lure you into watching it, and then at the end they basically call you an idiot to your face. Not to mention the constant swearing and stuff. Worst movie ever. Don't watch it.

Well I'll post more later...breakfast time.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today I am a determined individual. I woke up early and I feel prepared to do anything.

That's it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I sure don't post enough do I?

No I don't. And it's because of school. It's entirely my fault though. All those resolutions? Well i didn't really try hard enough to follow them this week. We had family over all week and I've had a lot of extra stuff to do this week. So yeah, it's been kinda hectic. I still blame myself for it though. And also I'm not giving up on those resolutions. Definitely not.
Also, I'm still having problems with my math but that's okay. I've adopted a new mindset. That mindset is that i just gonna keep on trying until I figure it out. I mean really, it's a simple math problem, right? Yep, and a lot of people I know have had the same kind of problems. I mean, what teenager doesn't? Not many of them.
So....we did get some snow here in G-town. Not too much never even completely covered the ground. It was nice to see some of that good ol' fluffy white precip again though. Here's a nice picture:

and here's another:

and another! I sorta over did the cold look didn't I? haha

Recently I've been thinking of possibly buying a film camera. Since I'm really into photography, as most of you know, and might even pursue a career in that particular area, I've always thought it would be nice to have a good 35mm on hand to experiment with. Also, I really love SLRs. They're capable of taking such beautifully amazing photos. but of course, the new digital ones, which I'd prefer, cost a LOT. Even the cheaper starter kits like the Canon Rebel. So I thought, if I'm going to get a film camera, and I really want a digital SLR but I can't pay for it, why not get a film SLR? Brilliant. Turns out, Canon Rebels have been around for a while, and back in 1996 they made a film SLR called the Rebel G, which you can now find used all over the place for under 100 dollars. In fact, I've seen a lot for 40 or 45 dollars! So yeah, I think it would be cool to have one of those...I'll probably have one before you know it, haha.

Well, that's all for now, folks. Hope that makes up for the week's posts.
G'night ya'll. hahahaha

Monday, January 19, 2009

New weeks resolutions.

I have goals for this week. Some new weeks’ resolutions, if you will. These goals aren’t something I’m just saying I need to get done, but something I genuinely hope and pray to get done and to apply to the next week and the next and the next, and so on.

#1: I plan to use my school time wisely and quit procrastinating . Too often, I sit around, play guitar, pet the dog…eat – just a lot of stuff I don’t need to be doing, while my schoolwork sits there unfinished. Often times I don’t even finish until sometime very late. So my goal is to finish school by 2:30 or earlier, every day of the week. Also, on a related note, I need to do my schoolwork more efficiently. I tend to do the easier things first, when I really need to do harder things first, because my mind is clearer in the mornings.
And one more school-related thing. Thanks to my clever and smart dad, I have figured out my problem with algebra. It’s simple. I right down as little work as possible, and do too much in my head, and I end up confused (that’s not the problem EVERY time, but it’s a big part of it). So in the future I plan to right down everything and pay more attention, and therefore get much better grades.

#2: I plan to spend less time doing nothing. Once I finally do finish my school, I usually walk around bored and without anything to do for a period of time. Like an hour or two. I realize that this period of nothingness is a waste of the precious time of life. I need to fill these times with something meaningful. Even if it’s something little like cleaning up my room.

#3: number 3 number 3 number threeeeeeee…dang it..there was a number 3 but I forgot it. I’ll think of it later.

Until then, please pray for me to get these things done and established as priorities. Thanks.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

hey guys.

sorry it's been a while...see, there's a little thing called life that gets in the way sometimes. haha

anyway, new vid from Adam and I. we were not serious:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

well here we go...

Well, this is it, the long post i promised, haha.
First of all, i'll say that this has just been an amazing year. I've met so many people and all...i don't's just been great. The best part of this year was all the people i have met and the people i already knew that i've grown closer to. you guys are all awesome.
And some of you won't read this but that's okay...haha

Emily: i've gotten to know you very well in just this one year. you're an amazing friend and i've really enjoyed making the movie with you so far, and i know our great friendship will continue even after the completion of the movie!

Olivia: you're so funny and nice to be around. it's cool how fast i've gotten to know you and...i love all those videos you've made with your sisters...those are totally hilarious!

Nathan: you're awesome! haha. i've really enjoyed the few times i've hung out with you and hope there will be many more.

Marissa: through this past year i've gotten to know you a lot better. you used to almost just be 'Josiah's sister' to me, but thanks to the movie filming you've become a lot more than that and i hope to get to know you even better in the years ahead.

Morgan: of all the people i've met from crossway (besides the Elliotts, of course...) i know you the best. i've enjoyed talking to you (or rather chatting haha) and hope to get to know you much better!

And everyone else: Emily S, Christianne, Wes, Anna, Jessi, Hannah, Mark, Chelsey, BJ - you guys are all amazing and i don't know you very well but i hope i will!

so overall, this year has just been amazingly wonderfully super duper awesomely rockin great and it's gone by so frickin fast!!!!

HAPPY 2009!