Saturday, January 24, 2009

This weekend.

Well, yesterday (Friday) I was determined, as you know, and I finished school by about 3 or 4 o'clock. I'm very glad I finished it that early because I've had a TON of schoolwork to do this week. Like, probably 12 or more hours worth. The curriculum we use is divided into units, and there's a test and review for each one. I had the review this week and that was about 35 history questions.
Anyway, after school, my grandma came and picked up Adam and I, and we went to KFC for some awesomely tasty chicken and biscuits. Then we went down the road to a concert. It was made up of just 2 guys, one old guy on the piano and a younger guy on the violin/fiddle (at one point someone asked if he liked playing fiddle style or violin better and he said he tried to make it both). They called themselves Pianafiddle. What they did was almost entirely improv. It was amazing. A lot of times they'd start out with like Beethoven or Bach, and then the violin/fiddle guy, who could never help getting in the groove, would suddenly turn it into some kind of wierd bluegrass fiddle tune. But anyway, the whole thing was very good. Check out their website. After all that, we went back to my grandma's and watched a couple movies. Number 1: Hancock. I wouldn't reccomend it. Number 2: Wanted. STAY AWAY FROM IT. It was such a waste of time. The whole point of it is to use all those awesome commercials they made for it a lure you into watching it, and then at the end they basically call you an idiot to your face. Not to mention the constant swearing and stuff. Worst movie ever. Don't watch it.

Well I'll post more later...breakfast time.


Emily said...

Well, I'm glad you got it all done =D The concert sounds neat.....

Matt said...

I'm glad too haha.
Yeah you probably would have liked that. I don't know who wouldn't.

Wesley said...

It sounds like Pianafiddle is amazing. I'm not into bluegrass too much, though.

I pretty much avoid movies, anyway. Except for the few really good movies out there, movies, and tv, are a waste of time.

morgan joy said...

ive heard bad things about those movies...

that concert sounds amazing! sounds like theyre really talented!

Emily said...

haha, Wes. While I don't really avoid movies, I agree =)

Matt said...

well it's a good thing you've heard bad things about them because they are bad haha.

I'm not really into bluegrass either...but this was still enjoyable. at least there were not any people clapping to the was a very unlively crowd because it was mostly old people.