Tuesday, May 19, 2009


but this is the 'last week of school' and it's really busy, as was last week, so I haven't had a lot of time to post.

Anyway, Friday I got a lens and then went to a play (I didn't get to bring my camera but they didn't allow photography anyway). It was a really great play (despite a few parts...). I enjoyed it. Unfortunately my parents know how easy it is to get lost in uptown Charlotte, so they didn't let us go to Rita's lol.

So my camera is like really hard to use in manual mode...but I'm learning haha. Here are some pictures from it:

the hardest part about manual mode is getting the ISO speed right...that's why some of these are so noisy.

1 comment:

Emily said...

neatness! All the stuff I get to look forward to =D