I know some of you have heard of them, but if not, CHECK THEM OUT. They're like Muse+Nevertheless+The Afters+Underoath+Becoming the Archetype. Basically pure awesomeness. If you have time, listen to their whole album all the way through. It's much better that way.
Becoming the Archetype? I disagree with you on that one, Matt... Muse and Underoath, I'll agree. =) =P
A friend told me I'd like this band . . . I looked up the lyrics (and loved them!), but haven't had a chance to listen to them yet.
yeah Wes, because they have string and piano solos, and near the end of one song ("Forgive and Forget" I think but I don't remember) they're playing really hard and crazy and there's double bass and it's pretty BTA like.
But yeah they're a lot more like Muse and Underoath than BTA.
Yeah they have some good lyrics. You should give them a listen sometime :)
haha, I agree with Wes. But yeah...I love them =)
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