Thursday, November 26, 2009

what am I thankful for..?

simply everything :D But here are a few specifics:

My God: If all I ever did for my whole life was praise God, I could never give Him enough credit :) He is the epitome of amazingness, awesomeness, stellarness, radness, etc, etc! I can't thank Him enough for anything :D

My family: God has blessed me with a loving and caring and large family. Do you know how many people /don't/ have that? Me either, but I do know this - it's a lot. So it's only natural that I'm so darned grateful for them :)

My friends: You guys are at the top of my list of things I'm thankful for. Your support, encouragement, inspiration, and most of all, your love for God really helps me through life. I don't really know if I could live without you :) Thanks.

I have a roof over my head: Again, do you know how many people don't have a roof over their head? A lot. Way more than you'd want to know. So it's simply amazing to me that I was born into a family that has more than just a roof, we have a 3-story house. Is that cool or what? I do not deserve this...

So yeah. Those are just a few of the things I'm so very grateful for, and I can never thank God enough for them.

Happy Thanksgiving!