Friday, October 17, 2008


Well I just thought I might go ahead and post a post tonight....I don't know why, I just feel like it. In fact, I feel pretty good tonight. Well, okay, I actually feel really neutral, but that's better than usual.
Well, it rained today. I love listening to the rain softly falling, it's a really calming, pleasant sound. Weird, I know, but it is...if I had a recording of it I'd probably listen to it all the time.
I kinda feel like posting some pictures. So here we go. I'm not actually on the computer I usually use so I'm not familiar with most of the pictures in here (this is my mom's comp) but I'll find something...

I'll just post a couple drawings and one other pic...

A drumset:

I don't have very good people-drawing


Les Paul (it was just a quick sketch drawn from memory so it didn't come out good):

And my dream car:

That's all for now!

here's the original of my drawing of Emily:


Emily said...

you're a pretty good artist. The drum picture is amazing....

morgan joy said...

ohhhhh, the picture of Emily looks just like her! (sort of)

you're good!

Matt said...

thanks guys! (or I should say girls...)

if you want, I can post the original ( I drew it from a photo...) so you can compare.

Matt said...

I actually added more detail to that drum one later...made it look more like it was actually in a room than in the middle of nowhere...

morgan joy said...

i'd love to see the original

Matt said...

okay I'll post it

Unknown said...

OMG! Your dream car is a bug!!! MINE TOO!!!! I want a green bug :)

Matt said...

lol YAY I have another reader!
haha beetles are awesome. I think I want white.